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Weird Activities for Adults During Covid-19 | Creative Nights with Your Safe Six (Pt 1)

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m getting tired of ordering food and watching Netflix every weekend.

I was thinking about it earlier this week and I think what I mainly miss is having something to look forward to on the weekend. Remember that feeling? Like oh wow, I can’t wait for the weekend, my friends and I are seeing so-and-so at what’s-it-called!

Of course, our options are limited now because most places don’t feel safe to go to, and even if they are, there is this nagging guilty feeling associated with going out of your house for things you don’t really need. Especially with numbers rising again here in the greater Metro Vancouver area.

What is there to do while we stay at home? There must be more stay at home activities than Netflix and chill. Right?!

With all this in mind, I decided to think of activities that my 30-something crowd of safe 6 (or family) and I could do on weekends that are out of the box (be it a box of wine or pizza box).

Each week I will post a new strange idea of something that will change up your Netflix binging routine. I’m warning you though, they will seem weird and different! They will obviously not be your usual adult dinner party. We have to get creative during these strange times though! I have really been feeling the need to switch things up and I’m sure I’m not alone.

One weird adult activity i’m looking forward to is candle making with my safe 6!

In Canada at least, the light is fading, things are dark around 5:30 PM! We are pretty much living in darkness on top of everything else going on.

As I write this post, I have 2 candles flaming right now, providing comforting, light, and pleasant smells!

How to have a candle making night at home with your safe 6 or family.

Go in on an Amazon order!

  • You can buy everything you need from the safety of your home.

  • You can buy as many bags of soy wax as you need. Always read the reviews and descriptions to see how many candles the package of soy wax can make.

    • For instance, I was looking at this product, and it seems 2 lbs of soy wax can make 4 candles that are about 1 cup (8 oz). This should help you when deciding how much soy wax to order.

  • You can buy a bunch of different sized mason jars for your candles, from small to large!

    • For instance, if I bought one 2 lbs bag of soy wax, I could divide that into about 8 or 9 small 125 ml mason jars!

  • There are a lot of options for candlewick and candleholder sets as well. Thankfully most of the options online for this seem very affordable.

  • I assume most people have too many essential oils laying around (and it’s not just me?), but if you don’t, you can easily find a bunch online!

    • One note I’d make as you shop online for these products, it would be ideal to shop from people within your country during this time! Things are hard for all businesses so definitely support your local suppliers and products.

  • Order up your products in one big batch and split the costs. E-transfer your money to the payee!

  • Set a date in the not so far future and you are ready to go.

Melt Wax, Add Your Oil, Set Your Wick, Let Dry, etc.

I’m not going to rewrite the wheel on how to make a candle. I’ll be looking up another blog post that has probably already explained it best.

In fact here, I’ll be using this informative article with the great step by step pictures.

Thanks, Treehugger!

How do you make this candle-making night even more adult and interesting though?

I am torn between suggesting making flaming cocktails or some kind of soy-based cozy chai drink (soy much soy!).

It depends how crazy you want this candle making night to go really!

Do you want this to be a cozy relaxing evening or do you want to get a little more out of the ordinary? Do you want to get all cozy and drink hot cinnamon chai soy lattes or make it a weird evening with flaming cocktails?

Let me know what you end up choosing!

If I’m honest, I think I’ll be veganizing this drink with vegan Bailey’s instead of Irish Cream!

Listen, I know we don’t all identify as ‘candle-making’ people. However, it’s time to switch things up and do strange things we’ve never done before. Covid has limited our abilities to go out and do the regular things we would so we have to be creative and open minded.

Did I ever foresee myself making my own candles?

Honestly, no.

Am I going to totally get into it though? Absolutely!

Be safe and have fun folks!

Here are some general tips and guidelines from the CDC to keep in mind with any kind of social gathering.