What are some unusual toppings to put on pizza? Unique vegan pizza topping ideas!

Who else is a HUGE pizza fan!?

If you are newly plant-based, vegan, or vegetarian, it can feel hard to get creative with pizza! Most pizza combinations we grew up eating included an endless combination of different meats and cheeses. Some of us grew up eating one kind of pizza most of our lives, be it pepperoni, cheese, or Hawaiian! You can see how it might be challenging for us to get creative with our vegetarian pizza options! So then how do we make plant-based pizza feel new and exciting with only veggies?

I wanted to see what kind of different vegan/vegetarian creative pizza topping combinations were out there! How were people getting creative with their pizzas while still using mainly plant-based whole foods? All these vegetable toppings can be found at your grocery store or the summer farmer’s market.

I kept the vibe summery with this one! These unique vegan pizza topping combinations include a lot of fresh vegetables that are popular come summertime! I hope you enjoy it.

All these screen-shots are from incredible vegan, vegetarian, and plant-based people, be sure to check them out on Instagram if you like what you see!

Unusual toppings and topping combinations to put on pizza!


Created By: rlritch

It looks fresh and delicious and includes a lot of healthy vegetables in a very unique combination. The sauce looks incredible and I cannot wait to make it! I love that it happens to use a vegan, gluten-free crust.
Rlritch creates a lot of healthy vegan recipes that I recommend checking out (and has a cute doggo!).

Cheesy Artichoke and Spinach Dip Vegan Pizza Toppings:

  1. Homemade Quinoa Crust from the Jaroudi Family Blog

  2. Homemade artichoke and Spinach Dip from the Jaroudi Family Blog

  3. Diced Red Onions

  4. Diced Red Peppers

  5. Sun-dried Tomatoes

  6. Mushrooms

  7. Chickpeas

  8. Jill Mckeever’s Game Changer Cheese Sauce Recipe (Video Below!)


Created By: Cory Sydee

This homemade sourdough pizza includes a recipe for homemade sourdough pizza dough, cheese, and sauce! On top of that, it utilizes fresh summer ingredients to create the perfect mix of sweet and savory toppings.

Cory Sydee has a blog and a very attractively styled Instagram account you should check out for more!

Simply Delicious Homemade Sourdough Vegan Pizza Toppings:

  1. Homemade Vegan Sourdough Pizza Dough

  2. Homemade Vegan Cheese (that looks incredible)

  3. Homemade Vegan Pizza Sauce

  4. Mushrooms

  5. Red Onion

  6. Sweetcorn


Created By: Rozalia.Wisniowska

This is probably the most creative vegan pizza I have seen in a while! The pickles both surprise and intrigue me. Since I am a huge pickle fan, I feel the need to make this ASAP!

She has a very cool vegan lifestyle Instagram account you should check out!

Yellow Zucchini Pickle Vegan Pizza Toppings

  1. Tomato Sauce

  2. Vegan Cheese (she used Violife)

  3. Mushrooms

  4. Yellow Zucchini

  5. Pickles

  6. Red Pepper

  7. Spicy Pepper Jalapeno


Created by: Run.Veganrun

This pizza stuck out to me because it utilizes healthy leafy greens while still giving you that warm doughy, pizza, deliciousness. I would eat so much more salad if it was presented like this! Eat the veggies baked or fresh!

Run.Veganrun loves to run and to share her incredible meal ideas. If you need some fitness or meal inspo, be sure to check her out!

Vegan Fresh Salad Pizza Toppings

  1. A Homemade sauce that includes: canned tomatoes, vegan sour cream, nutritional yeast, basil, oregano, and parsley

  2. Sweet Corn

  3. Red Onion

  4. Arugula

  5. Tomato

  6. Baby spinach


Created By: EmmaJane176

This pizza stood out to me with its use of sauteed vibrant vegetables and freshly picked basil on top! Why haven’t I thought of this before? Thank you Emma for opening my eyes.

Check her Instagram out for adorable animal and travel pics interspersed with delicious recipe ideas! She has a new burrito idea I need to try out.

Sauteed Veggie and Fresh Basil Pizza Vegan Pizza Toppings

  1. Sauteed Red & Yellow Pepper

  2. Tomato Sauce (any kind)

  3. Sauteed Mushrooms

  4. Sauteed Red Onion

  5. Vegan Cheese

  6. Fresh Basil!